Custom Development

App Development – Agile & DevOps

Agile & DevOps

We deliver solutions to our clients that build higher quality applications faster and that scale

Our Capabilities

We have strong experience in web and mobile application development using Agile methodologies with short release cycles. All the project teams are majorly supported, with a centralized, dedicated team for DevOps with experience in using tools for Continuous Integration & Continuous Development (CI/CD).

All our developers are trained in DevOps practices right from source code control & build management to testing & deployment. We are well equipped with teams having extensive experience in managing On-premise and Cloud (AWS and Azure) environments

With proven experience in providing DevOps services to Enterprise customers, we ensure that more than 80% of our customer engagements follow Agile and DevOps practices

Our Competency Areas

Source Code Management

  • Git, GitHub, Subversion, Bitbucket for Source Code Management
  • Branches for different environments & releases
  • Code review practices

API Management

  • API Management Gateways
  • Swagger for API documentation
  • Swagger integration for PHP, Java & NodeJS

Build and Deployment Automation

  • Build automation for Java, PHP, NodeJS, native iOS & Android, Hybrid Apps
  • Deployment Automation using Chef, Puppet and Ansible
  • Jenkins, Azure Pipelines for CI/CD

Test Automation

  • Selenium for Web applications
  • JMeter for API Testing
  • Appium, Robotium for Mobile iOS and Android Apps
  • In-house OpenSTF Setup for Device Testing

Project Management

  • Redmine, Jira, Trello for User Stories, Task allocation & Defect Tracking
  • JMeter for API Testing
  • Appium, Robotium for Mobile iOS and Android Apps
  • Wiki Pages for discussions, build release notes & meeting minutes

Success Stories

Built a Web & Mobile Ordering Solution on AWS that lead to an increase in sales by 20% and ROI by 40%

TRAY- Hospitality Services Platform provider in the USA

Improved employee safety & driving behavior using the platform built on AWS

HALO Global – Vehicle Security Services company in the USA

Easy way to search for real-time pre-validated vendors with availability and pricing

Arevea – Marketplace for Event Management Services based in the USA

Allow enterprises to verify user identities using custom combinations of powerful techniques from leading vendors, with little to no integration or mobile development

Idyllic – Mobile Identity Verification Platform company in the USA

Overall round about time to hire & place candidates increased by 25% and revenue increased by 50%

Prosper Care – Job Placement company in the USA

Get Ready to Transform & Innovate

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