Top 10 Most Disruptive Face & Image Recognition solution providers in 2020

Top 10 Most Disruptive Face & Image Recognition solution providers 2020

Tech Vedika features in the March 2020 edition of Analytics Insight Magazine as one amongst the “Top 10 Most Disruptive Face & Image Recognition Solution Providers in 2020”. The article talks of how Tech Vedika is strategically Amplifying Human Intelligence to Identify New Business Opportunities with Deep Vision Analytics

At Tech Vedika, we believe that sustainable innovation relies on creating a critical mass of high-quality depth & breadth in experimentation and engineering. It starts with creating competent teams and aligning to a strong work culture that encourages world-class innovation.

We strongly encourage our teams to experiment & innovate in various related domains, technologies that bring such depth & breadth. Domain aligned R&D/platform roadmaps with continued focus and committed resources aided by accomplished domain experts is helping us address industry problems with sustainable innovation.

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