Healthcare Tech Outlook recognizes Tech Vedika as Top 10 Healthcare Analytics Solution Providers

Once a year, Healthcare Tech Outlook’s magazine editorial board assess and shortlist some of the most prominent AI and Big Data companies that solve challenging problems faced by the healthcare Industry.
For the year 2019, TechVedika is featured by Healthcare Tech Outlook magazine in its October edition as a company that is at the forefront of offering AI-based analytical solutions to the healthcare industry.
Tech Vedika’s HarmonyCVI has been particularly praised by Healthcare Tech Outlook magazine as a robust medical imaging platform that assists medical practitioners in reading images and making decisions with precision and consistency.
HarmonyCVI, is TechVedika’s flagship AI-Powered Cardiovascular MRI Analysis imaging platform that helps in reading and analyzing Cardiovascular MRI images using AI and deep learning. The platform assesses full ventricular assessment, cardiac segmentations, and their assignment to coronary arterial territories…all in less than 2 minutes with over 99% accuracy (contrast this with over 30 minutes and less than 70% accuracy taken by the clinicians earlier and the benefits are clearly visible).
The other Tech Vedika’s medical products that were specially mentioned were Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA) that accurately assesses sperm quality and generates instant reports without human intervention, and an AI-based medical app for detecting diabetes retinopathy.
For further information on HarmonyCVI, please click here