Tech Vedika Featured in CIO Review India amongst the top 20 most amazing AWS Service Providers

Featured as one of the Top 20 Most Amazing AWS Service Providers

Tech Vedika features in the October 2018 edition of CIO Review India magazine as one amongst the top 20 most amazing AWS Service Providers. The article talks of how Tech Vedika leverages AWS tools to attain high functionality and scalability.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is helping companies manage their software and websites easily. As many companies falter while transitioning from legacy systems to the cloud, Tech Vedika helps them by providing end-to-end solutions for a seamless experience.

Tech Vedika, as an AWS Technology Partner, develops tailor-made and easy-to-use software based on AWS Services. The article highlights that we recently delivered a Serverless project using AWS Lambda, alongside providing services to industries like automobile, education, transportation, and healthcare.

Tech Vedika is able to assist customers in saving 40-50% of the infrastructure, operational and developmental costs, subject to the application. In addition to all the work being done in the next generation infrastructure technologies like FaaS and DBaaS, the article mentions that Tech Vedika provides economical services from AWS such as AWS Mobile Hub, AppSync, Cognito, SNS, SQS, and API Gateway.

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