Here’s Why You Need A Mobile App

According to the latest study conducted by a US-based media agency Zenith, 66% of individuals in 52 countries will own a smartphone in 2018. With a major section of the world’s population having access to smartphones and the Internet, there is an increasing requirement for mobile apps along with websites. Here are 8 compelling reasons for you to get a mobile app for your business:

1) Your Smart Phone Is An Extension of Your Being:

We do not leave our phones alone for a minute. It has become such an integral part of our living in the 21st century that it is tough to let go. To provide user-friendly services to the customers, a mobile app is imperative. Banking, video conferences, fitness, e-commerce, social media, music-streaming apps, on-demand video streaming, and other services can be made available on a smartphone using an efficient app.

2)  Solve Business Problems Instantly:

Have a problem bugging you in your business? A mobile app may be the one-stop solution to all your troubles. A mobile app helps a user complete his desired work in just a few touches on the screen. Yes, it is as simple and hassle-free as that. Fulfill your customers’ needs with bespoke solutions.

3)  Apps Are Better Than Websites:

In this age of digitalization, websites and apps are making the world a much smaller place. But apps can be used to provide a refreshing user-experience, which is far more superior to that of a website. A mobile app is quick and has more functionality as it can use the various technological features of a smartphone.

4) No WiFi? No Problem:

You must be wondering if one always needs an internet connection to use an app. The answer lies in its functionality. There are some apps that work with zero internet connectivity. Hence, they can be handy in times of need.

5) First Impressions Always Last:

Since people spend a lot of time on their phones, your app can have a lasting impression of your brand image in their minds. A stylish app design along with hassle-free functionality can leave your competitors gasping for breath and surely make you a favorite among the customers. Chuck your competition and improve your brand equity.

6) Better Customer Engagement:

Your business can be omnipresent with your mobile app since the user can instantly connect with a touch. Apps provide user information such as demographics and have provision to gather feedback which can be used to improve customer relationships.

7) Alternate Source of Revenue:

By monetizing the app, new channels of revenue will open for your business. With the right kind of pricing and promotion, along with some advertisements, if you wish, apps will surely set the cash flow running.

8) Do Not Vex Your Customers:

We are all preys to annoying SMSes and emails from various businesses. Let us stop this with app notifications. Notify your customers about the latest happenings of your business in a non-intrusive way. If they do not want to see the notifications, they can always stop them.

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