Symfony, A High Performance PHP Framework for Web Development

Why use Symfony?

Symfony is a leading PHP framework for websites and web applications. 80% of websites use PHP, and if you are looking for professional PHP development, Symfony allows the development of ambitious and highly scalable web applications in record time.

Symfony is highly interoperable and has contributed components to major web projects such as Drupal, PHPBB, Laravel, Magento, and Joomla- all of which use elements of the framework.

Why Do We Like Symfony?

1) The Leading PHP Framework

Symfony is used by internet giants such as Spotify, Yahoo, and BBC. It is also the basis of well-known web projects such as Drupal and Laravel. Symfony allows you to use as many or as few components as you need. Thus, there is space for it in pretty much any PHP project.

2) Maintainability, Performance, and Safety

Symfony3 answers the needs of the largest web projects by offering three core features: a service-oriented architecture for greater scalability and easier continuous testing, optimal performances with a Varnish-compatible https caching system, and high-level security protecting against standard attacks automatically.

3) Great Community, Great Support

Symfony is backed by an active and passionate community of over 300,000 developers from more than 120 countries. This support allows it to constantly improve, giving your web application all the technical guidance it needs.

Benefits of Symfony
  • Modular component-based architecture
  • Service-oriented architecture based on dependency injection
  • High performance by leveraging caching
  • Built-in security against the most dangerous security breaches: XSS, CSRF, SQL injection
  • Strong internationalization support

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