Optical Character Recognition (OCR)-2

In this blog, we will be talking about our various Optical Character Recognition offerings. To know the basics of the OCR software, please click here 

Tech Vedika’s OCR is capable of accurately scanning any business card and extract all vital information such as name, designation, company name, email address, phone number, address, etc. This data then can be stored in a user-friendly format for easy access.

Our OCR also supports document scanning. The information that the document contains is extracted by the software before subjecting it to image to text conversion. The text obtained in the final output can then be represented in a easy-to-read, tabular format in an excel sheet.

Tech Vedika’s OCR Handwriting Recognition software helps scan a document with a structured format, such as application forms. The software is competent to convert the text into digital format. This software, when embedded into a pen, converts the handwriting to digital format dynamically. This fastens the filling of a digital copy of the application form or similar structured documents.

Our software identifies different shapes and lines and infer those as letters. Then, it is capable of rendering these types of documents as machine-readable. Our OCR can recognize both scanned handwriting (in structured format) and cursive writing.

With Tech Vedika’s Optical Character Recognition, one can save time and energy by converting a handwritten text into a machine-readable document quickly and efficiently. The embedded software in pen can make the conversion real-time, paperless and highly cost-effective.

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