Quarantine Photography Challenge by TechVians

Yes, these are not so great times to be in. But we eventually are bound to accustom ourselves to the surroundings. So how about we make the best use of our quarantine weekends, to capture the inner beauty of the nature around us?

This thought in our minds has led us to conduct,  TechVedika Quarantine Photography challenge with the theme “Nature”. We have asked all our TechVians, especially Nature lovers & Photography enthusiasts to show up their talent and click beautiful pictures of mother nature. (Of course, strictly from our Balconies/Terraces, etc. following the rules)

So here are the amazing pictures clicked by our employees along with the details of the best pictures & the photographers!

The Top 3 best photographers based on the voting!


Satya Sadhana

Runner Up 1

Lakshmi Narayana

Girish Teja

Runner Up 2


Ooti Venkatesh


Shiva Prasad

Laxmi Prasanna

Sai Siri

Best Photographs Gallery!

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