What is Augmented Reality technology and how does AR work?

Augmented Reality involves the superimposition of computer-generated digital images on the real environment to better the user’s live surroundings. While VR is an immersive experience that lets the users forget the real environment and get transported to a virtual existence, AR is non-immersive that does not intend to disconnect the user from his live surroundings.

Augmented Reality can be created by the following components:

  • Sensors and Cameras – These devices are responsible for capturing the real-time user activity and environment and send it for processing. With the processed information, the device generates three-dimensional objects to be augmented.
  • Reflection – Mirrors are used in some Augmented Reality devices to assist the way the human eye views virtual images. Reflection helps in image alignment to the human’s eye.
  • Projection – In this case, a miniature projector is presently facing outwards on the AR headset that transforms any surface into an interactive one. The process involves the collection of data from the real world and processing it to project it onto the surface in front of the projector. The user can interact with the projected data, reducing the importance of screens in Augmented Reality.
  • Processing – Augmented Reality devices require supercomputing powers to assimilate and process the information that is gathered by the sensors and the cameras and thus are essentially computers fitted on such devices. Some of them include ROM, gyroscopes, WiFi, accelerometers, and so on to provide a perfectly immersive experience.

How Is AR Content Generated?

SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and Depth Tracking are the two technologies that are used to generate AR content. SLAM is the most advanced technology that involves the use of complex algorithms to identify a new environment while ascertaining its own localization at the same time. Depth Tracking essentially is scaling the distance of an object relative to the user which helps the user to interact with the augmented objects better.

Types of AR

There are 4 types of AR, namely:

1) Marker-based: This type requires a marker and a reader. The reader is a camera that can read a simple marker which is a distinct pattern.

2) Markerless: Here, data about the user’s location or position is collected using a gyrometer, a GPS, and other location detecting devices by which the AR device shows the user content related to the location.

3) Projection-based: This AR allows the user to interact with artificial light projected on a surface. This interaction is detected by alterations in the projected artificial light.

4) Superimposed: The original object is completely identified before partially or wholly superimposed by the computer-generated object.

Some of the Augmented Reality Devices include Head-Up Devices, Smartphones, Smart Glasses, Virtual Retina Display, and Personal Computers and Televisions.

Augmented Reality has a wide range of applications such as Gaming, Military, Healthcare, Education Sector, Advertising and Marketing, Music, and Architecture.

Tech Vedika is finding new opportunities to work on this exciting technology. We understand that AR is a revolution in itself and will change the way we see the future.

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