ReactJS JavaScript Library For Building User Interface

Facebook has developed this front-end Javascript framework to promote amazing design capability without being a designer.

Why Use ReactJS?

ReactJS an increasingly popular front-end Javascript framework. It was developed by Facebook to encourage best practices around application design. Taking cues from functional and reactive programming, it aims for simplicity and modularity for the developer and a seamless and dynamic experience for the user.

ReactJS, a lightweight and focused technology, which works well on its own for simple sites or with a choice of other software for more complex applications. React makes no assumptions about what stack you’re using so you’re free to use whatever is best for the job.

Why Do We Like ReactJS?
1) Maintainable Code

React breaks the application into components and uses a one-way flow of data which lead to predictable and highly testable modular pieces. These pieces can be interchanged and reused, reducing rework. This means that we can develop faster.

2) Fast Responses To User Input

React removes unnecessary work from the browser, only making updates when there are real changes. This reduces lag and delays often seen on highly dynamic pages, making your application seem faster and more responsive to the user.  This means better performance and user experience for your website

3) SEO Friendly

Unlike many Javascript frameworks, React has built-in support for supplying full pages to search engines, meaning even fully dynamic pages can be found in results. This helps rankings and brings people straight to the content they want to see.  This means more visitors to your website

 Benefits of ReactJS
  • Predictable data flow helps to reduce complexity
  • SEO support with server-side rendering
  • Architectural flexibility
  • Excellent testing support allows for comprehensive unit testing
  • Pages appear quick to users as lag is kept to a minimum

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