AngularJS Open-Source Frontend Application Framework

Google’s own Javascript framework powers rapid development of single page applications.  Theodo expertise in AngularJS enables us to develop fast digital solutions

Why Use AngularJS?

Angular is a leading Javascript framework developed and supported by Google. It extends HTML to add powerful dynamic features in an intuitive and flexible way.  It enables us to create a flexible, streamlined single page application rapidly and effectively.

Big names such as Amazon, Paypal, and Walmart use AngularJS as it is highly extensible and has a vast library of pre-configured modules and components. It is the ideal framework to build and support single-page applications.

This allows for the rapid development of complex interfaces and re-usability of built components to speed up delivery.

Why Is It Used?

1) Large Developer Community

Angular is designed to be highly extensible. The Angular community is constantly producing high-quality libraries and modules, meaning less time is spent resolving old problems.

2) Built-in Testing Support

Functional and unit testing is vital to produce reliable applications. Angular has been built with testing in mind and provides tools to make every step of the process easier and less error-prone.

3) Separation Of View and Logic

Angular separates the data and logic from the details of how it is displayed. This allows each to change independently without breaking the other.

The Benefits
  • Mature and well supported
  • Huge ecosystem
  • Supports a modular, component-based approach
  • Data binding means the UI is always up to date
  • Common use-cases such as form validation are built in
  • Highly extensible

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